We all get into comfort zones, zones where we feel comfortable, and when we are asked to do something that is not within these zones we get uncomfortable and will probably not do it.
In Martial Arts it is pushing your body beyond what you thought you could do physically and mentally. You do not just get up there and break boards and bricks with your hand, feet, elbows, head, whatever, without first training yourself to do it. That training is expanding your comfort zone.
In Volleyball, I would start all hitting drills with the hitters using their non-dominant hand, that way they could push themselves beyond their dominant hand, and be able to attack with either hand.
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Once they learned the straight approach to spike, we moved to the angle approach, and then eventually to the slide attack. Each of these more complicated, and physically challenging, but by expanding their comfort zone and trying them, they began to get comfortable with them and soon they became routine.
In basketball, I had all drills dribbling, shooting, etc, again begin with non-dominate hand. Making my players get out of their comfort zones, and making them total players, not one dimensional.
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In life, when you learned to ride a bike, you didn't just get on the bike one day, and then you were ridding, you probably learned with training wheel, then they were removed as you become more comfortable with them, then someone held the bike as you pedaled, until finally they let you go, and you were on your own, riding the bike.
Sure you had many crashes and falls until you became proficient, but you were expanding your comfort zone all this time.
Taking the leap to establish my own internet business, was expanding my comfort zone. I studied , I looked for a Mentor, and when I had these systems in place, then I soloed. I am failing, but I am leaning in the process.
With each failure I move closer to my success. I hope this clears up the issue of expanding comfort zones. As the Great One, Wayne Gretzky said, "You miss 100% of the shots you never take"
If you are not willing to step out of your comfort zone, you will never achieve your dreams in life. You must first get uncomfortable to get comfortable.